General Guidelines

  • Don’t water until plants need it. That may sound strange, but far more plants die from over-watering than under-watering. How do you know plants need water? The best way is to let your finger be the guide. Dig down several inches near the base of the plant. If the soil is bone dry, that’s your cue to water. Also, when a plant begins to show signs of wilting, especially in the morning, it probably needs water.
  • Deep soak each time you water. Many people water lightly and frequently, causing a shallow root system. Watering deeply and infrequently, deep soak, creates a healthy root system that is better equipped to withstand heat and drought.
  • Stop watering whenrunoff occurs, especially on slopes. That may mean turning the water on and off in cycles to allow moisture to soak into the ground, but it beats watching the water flow down the street.
  • Use watering cans, whenever possible, especially when watering just a few patio plants. Watering with a hose may actually put more water on the patio than in the containers as you move from plant to plant.
  • Capture and recycle rainwater by placing barrels or buckets beneath your downspouts.


  • Water early in the morning, when temperatures are mild and winds are calm, so less water will be lost through evaporation. Don’t water if rain is in the forecast. Follow the city ordinance for optimal watering times.